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Tuesdays & Thursdays
1 – 7
Wednesdays & Fridays
10 – 5
Saturdays 10 – 3
Food Pantry Hours
2nd and 4th Saturdays 10 – 1

Additional services

Self-service copier · Fax ·
A ukulele, a DVD player, a telescope
and Hotspots to borrow.

Quick Access


Below is a list of ongoing programs. For other events, check out our calendar HERE

We will meet in the children’s room of the Dickinson Memorial Library (Main St. Northfield). We will gather for stories, activities and social time with others. Families can also enjoy a walk along the Library Trail StoryWalk.

This program will be held on Wednesday’s, 10:00 – 11:30 AM.

Registration is suggested. Registration Link:

This program is a collaboration between Dickinson Memorial Library and the Pioneer Valley CFCE, which is funded by the Coordinated Family & Community Engagement.

Join us for Kids’ Fridays every Friday that Northfield Elementary School has early release from 2:00-3:00. Every Friday is a different activity. We will play with Legos, watch movies, and talk about books. Check out what we are up to on our events calendar.


If you would like to participate in these discussions just let us know and we will give you more information. You can email us at

Wednesday Morning Book Group
– Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10:00
– Covers mostly fiction, fairly contemporary, but occasionally reads nonfiction and classics

Readings: Nonfiction, Fiction & Poetry
– Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:00
– Covers mostly classics and is led by retired professor, Nick Fleck

Environmental Awareness Group
– Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30
– Covers mostly books, but occasionally films, articles, and podcasts, all focusing on environmental concerns

All discussion group books can be picked up at the library. Check out our calendar for titles and dates or contact us for more information.

Genealogy Group
Call the library or email for updated information

Join fellow knitters and crocheters for an evening of chatting, sharing projects, and (maybe) getting some work done on your current projects. The group meets every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00 in the Community Meeting Room downstairs. All are welcome!

In Need Of A New Puzzle To Work On? Come to Pick Up A Puzzle Day at the Dickinson Memorial Library on Saturday, the first Saturday of the month, 10am-11:30am. This event is free and open to all. We have dozens of new-to-you puzzles (for kids and adults) that were generously donated for our ongoing puzzle swap. Come to the back door of the library – masks on please! Questions? Email us at