In Need Of A New Puzzle To Work On? Come to Pick Up A Puzzle Day at the Dickinson Memorial Library typically on the first Saturday of the month, 10am-11:30am. This event is free and open to all. Take as many puzzles as you wish and keep them as long as you want. We have dozens of new-to-you puzzles (for kids and adults) that were generously donated for our ongoing puzzle swap. Park in the lot behind the library and enter through the side door. Turn left and we are just down the hall in the community room. Questions? Email us at friendsofdml01360@gmail.com
How Does The Puzzle Swap Work? Thanks to a generous community we have been collecting donated puzzles since November 2020 host a Free Puzzles day usually on the first Saturday of the month. This event is free and open to anyone. During the event the puzzles are laid out in the downstairs library community room for folks to browse and choose from. There is no time limit on how long you may keep the puzzles. If you love the puzzle you may keep it forever, if you enjoyed it but would like to pass it on then drop it off in our puzzle donation box. If you have puzzles to donate you may bring them with you to one of our Free Puzzles days or drop them off in the puzzle donation box located just outside the side door of the library. When Is The Next Pick Up A Puzzle Day? Date and time of the next puzzle event will be posted here, on our facebook page, and on the Northfield nextdoor.com message board.
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Who Are The Friends of The Library? We consider all Northfield residents who use our library an automatic member – we charge no membership fees or dues. We currently have a Board of Directors that meet monthly and consist of 8 volunteer members.
What Do The Friends Do? Our mission is to support the Library & Staff through fundraising and advocacy. We are interested in improving its services, adding to its resources, and contributing to its role in the community. We sponsor many Library Programs: Special Guest Lectures, Children’s Summer Programs, Children’s Weekly Story Time, After School Programs, Adult Art & Craft Classes. We have hosted the following events: Dog Show, Children’s Holiday Bazaar, Library Night at the Creamie, Volunteer Thank You Brunch, Community Puzzle Swap, and Mini-Golf in the Library. We support the library by funding certain items: Museum Passes, Copier Maintenance & Supplies, Website Hosting & Technical Support, Community Room Renovation, Drapes, Chairs/ Bean Bag Chairs, Art for the Children’s Room Walls, Pop Up Tents to create a shaded otuside WiFi area for the community.
How do the Friends Fundraise? Our primary financial support is obtained from our Annual Fundraising Campaign. We are also fortunate in receiving a grant through the Tortuga Foundation from an anonymous donor for the past few years. Additional funds come from t-shirt and book bag sales and from events such as the Dog Show. We also receive donations through the Amazon Smiles program.
Who Is On The Board Of Directors & When Do They Meet? The Board of Directors is always open to accepting new Board Members. If interested email us and come to one of our meetings! We typically meet on the Third Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm. In pre-covid times we meet at the Library, currently we meet via zoom. There are 4 officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, & Treasurer. The current Board Members are: Jan Herlihy (President), Mary Bowen (Vice President), Laura Kaye (Secretary), Cynthia Durham (Treasurer), Lara Dubin, Barb King, Martha Lewin, and Kackie St. Clair.